Dear all surgical group mates.
There has been a little confusion about our timetable so here are our latest updates.
- TBL on the 2nd may 2012 with LSK has been changed from neck n breast to periop management.
- TBL with RD supposed to be on the 30th April has been postponed to 11th May 2012. Topic will be neck and breast lumps.
- TBL with HUQ on the 7th May could be brought forward to the 4th May(friday) instead. Not confirmed yet. Will update soon.
- As for the stoma care patient interview, I have discussed with Sister tay and it would not be possible to call the patient for such a short period. We can find patients with stomas in the ward and interview them together if you would like.
- If you would like any other topics to be discussed in classes please inform me and i will try to arrange.