Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Surgery Notices

TBL AND Clinical skills classes update
  1. 24th April @ 1.30pm TBL: Session 5(Trauma)
  2. 25th April @ 2.00pm CS: Session 4(Stoma care)
  3. 27th April @ 2.00pm CS: Session 3(ulcers)
  4. 30th April TBL: Session 8 (Perioperative)
  5. 2nd May TBL: Session 6 (neck swelling and breast)
  6. 3rd May CS: Session 1(wound care)
  7. 7th May TBL: Session  1(renal and stuff)
  8. 8th May TBL: Session 2 (change in bowel habits)
  9. 9th may TBL: Session 7 (vascular stuff)
  10. 10th May TBL: Session 3(upper GI)
  11. 14th May TBL: Session 4( jaundice)
  12. 15th May CS: Session 2 ( catheterization)

  1. Mondays – upper GI
  2. Tuesdays- Lower GI
  3. Wednesday- Breast clinic
  4. Thursday- BPH and child clinic
  5. Friday- New cases

OT days
  1. Tuesdays- Breast and thyroid surgery
  2. Thursdays and Fridays – GOT
  3. 24 hr- Emergency OT

Regarding On calls
  1. Week 1 and 3 - Group A
  2. Week 2 and 4 - Group B
  3. The sub group leaders pls delegate. Thank you J

  1. Should you be absent from any class please inform the leader or message the lecturer directly. 
  2. OT list will be a general one for the next 4 weeks. So please sign your names in the OT Book. Please inform your group leader if you will be at the OT.

  3. Regarding Endoscopy room and SOPD- Im leaving it to your discretion.  Please go on the days that u do not have CP.
  4. I'm not gonna put up the lecturers numbers online so please get it from me if you need them k.
  5. And lets make a good impression on our lecturers k! Thank you for your co operation!