Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Orthopedics: Timetable Changes

Dear all,

Thursday (3/3/2011) - 2:00-3.30 PM - Wrist & Hand with prof Kareem at SR 1&2
Friday (4/3/2011) - 10:30 AM -12:30 PM- Shoulder exam with Dr. Chee Kidd at SR 1&2 (there is a video and please prepare on shoulder pathology and examination)
Friday (4/3/2011) - 3PM -TBL ends - TBL 1&2 with Dr. Naik (location to be confirmed)
Monday (7/3/2011) - 1:30-3:30 PM- Amputee Rehab with Dr. Theva (location to be confirmed)
Monday (7/3/2011) - 3:45 PM- CP for Group A with Dr. Nisar
Thursday (10/3/2011) - 2.30-3.30 PM - Elbow with Prof Kareem (location to be confirmed)

Loads of love and cheers,