Monday, September 20, 2010


Dear all,

Click here to download the grouping for IMS. Here is the link for the IMS schedule.

The guideline for IMS is as shown below (also downloadable here)

The following is just a flow chart for conduct of IMS:

  1. Step 1) Case presentation by semester 6 (ONLY history taking and physical examination) (~10 minutes)
  2. Step 2) Discussion on the approach to the diagnosis in this case by semester 7 (have to include differential diagnosis + its explanations) (~10 minutes)
  3. Step 3) Discussion on the learning issues for 25 minutes by both semester 6 and 7. (~25 minutes)
  4. Step 4) Discussion on any other important relevant issues for 5 minutes by semester 7. (~5 minutes)

*p/s: For step 3: semester 6 students suppose to cover issues relating to the physiological basis of the underlying disease process; and issues relating to the microbiological and/or pathological aspects, if any, that are essential in understanding of the disease process in this particular case.

*p/s: For step 3: semester 7 students suppose to cover issues relating to anatomical and biochemical basis in the interpretation of the imaging studies and laboratory data in this case. (please relate it to the case presented in step 1 and come out with a final diagnosis)

*p/s: For step 4: It is the time for you to discuss any other topics that you think is relavant (for example: evidence based medicine, etc).

So, all the remaining groups please take note of the new format. Make sure you do it according to the guidelines provided.

Last but not least, please try to keep your power point slides as minimum as possible, because it shouldn't be a theory telling lecture. (advisible to keep it below 100 slides in total).

Loads of love and cheers,