Dear All,
1. Session on Blogging
The Centre for Medical Education (CtME), with the assistance of the Learning Resources Dept, has scheduled a continuing series of lunchtime educational sessions in support of advancing e-learning and use of digital resources at IMU.
The topic for this Wednesday, 2nd September 2009, 12.15 - 1.15pm is on Blogging and is opened to all faculty and students. The venue will be E-Lab 1, Level 3, Bukit Jalil.
In this 1-hour workshop you will explore how blogs can be used to facilitate learning and teaching. It will be mostly be a hands-on session using Blogger (, which easy-to-learn and use.
P.S. Please register with Blogger before the session (if possible).
As its on a first come basis, please register early to ensure a place in the learning session. If you miss a session, visit the E-Learning Innovation Centre in
Please note that no food will be provided for this short session.
Thank you.
for CtME and Learning Resources Department
2. H1N1 & What to Do
Warmest regards,
Zia Shah