Saturday, August 29, 2009


Dear all,

It's time to go MAD...make a difference! We have lots of activities lined up from 1st to 10th September, 12.30pm-1.30pm at the Atrium for you. Please do come and enjoy and appreciate the artistic side of the IMU students and staff.

1 Sept. 12.30pm @ Atrium
Opening Ceremony
Welcoming address - Prof Ong
Opening and Commemoration - Tan Sri Abu Bakar Suleiman
Theme song "It's Now"
Special presentation by academic & corporate staff *** guess who?
Presentations by students
Viewing of exhibits - Photographs/Painting& Sketching and Art Therapy pieces by Dr Shane Varma's patients
*Packed lunch will be served

2 Sept. 12.30pm @ Atrium
Speech Competition - 'I want to Go MAD'

3 Sept. Photography Exhibition @ Atrium

7 Sept. 12.30pm @ Senate Room
Talk by Mercy Malaysia 'Be a Volunteer'

8 Sept. 12.30pm @ Atrium
Dance Competiiton

9 Sept. 12.30pm @ Atrium
Music appreciation

9 Sept. 5.00pm @ LT2
Movie Screening - 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button' starring Brad Pitt (free admission)

10 Sept. 12.30pm @ Atrium
Closing Ceremony
Presentations by winners of each category
Special Presentation by Senior Management *** guess who?
Speech by Dr Mei Ling Young
Prize giving
*Packed lunch will be served

Your presence will make a difference!

on behalf of organizing committee