Dear all,
Here is a what was written in the study guides on how to write a case summary and how to write a case report.
Each Case Summary shall contain the following:
The Patient’s Initials (not full name)
The Registration Number
The Dates of Admission and Discharge (if relevant)
The Date of Clerking
A brief account (150 to 175 words) of the patient’s clinical problem, i.e. the relevant history, physical findings, provisional/differential diagnoses, investigations with results, treatment and the outcome.
Discussion of 2 to 3 learning issues relevant to that patient, under the 8 IMU outcomes. Note: transcribing materials from the textbook or other sources is not considered a discussion, and no marks will awarded for this.
The final documentation must be:
on size A4 paper, typed single-spaced using font size 11 or 12, Times New Roman
in about 300 words in total (1 page)
Marking: Each case summary shall be assessed on the following criteria, namely:
precise and relevant
the relevance of the issues discussed to the case
the explanation provided for issues discussed is clear
Each Case Report shall contain the following:
The Patient’s Initial (not name)
The Registration Number
Dates of Admission and Discharge (if relevant)
Date of Clerking
A detailed account of the case, including the provisional and differential diagnoses, investigations done (with results) and management (treatment and outcome)
Include a discussion on one or more issues under the IMU outcomes, relevant to the case
Include illustrations, where appropriate (photographs, charts, graphs, tables, ECGs, references etc)
The final documentation must be:
on size A4 paper, typed double-spaced using font size 12, Times New Roman
in not more than 2000 words, in total
Marking: Each case report shall be assessed on the following criteria, namely:
The case (history & examination) is well documented
The differential & final diagnoses are well discussed
The management strategy chosen is appropriate
Overall discussion (treatment, prognosis, follow-ups)
Loads of love and cheer,