Saturday, August 7, 2010

Message from SRC Seremban

Hi there!

Clinical school Seremban will be starting on the 30th August 2010 for batch C2/10.

Dress code is formal, as per phase 1 IMU Bukit Jalil. However, you'll be needing short-sleeved lab coats, WITHOUT the IMU logo which is available from Henry (Emo bookstore in IMU Bukit Jalil) or Kamal bookstore(opposite HKL). Price of the lab coat ranges between RM40-50; personally i find Kamal bookstore's lab coat is better as the material is thinner (it's very hot here in Seremban, by the way), there're more pockets and a place to hold the tendon hammer. It is best to buy between 2-3 lab coats per person.

Registration on the 30th August starts at 9am & the whole week from 30th Aug-3rd Sept will be orientation week. August 31st is a public holiday, & orientation resumes on 1st Sept.

There will be a "White Coat Ceremony" which is the highlight of the week to mark the transition from medical students to student doctors and it is very IMPORTANT. It will be held on 02/09/2010 at 9.00am. Do have your lab coats ready by then. No changes until further notice.

IMU Clinical school has limited parking spots available therefore it is advisable to car pool with your friends/housemates. Orientation night is on the following week, Monday (06/09/10). Please do not skip lectures/activities without any valid reasons & do abide by the dressing code and professional conduct in clinical school. If there are any questions, do email me:

Thank you.

Canace Teoh
SRC IMU Clinical school