Saturday, August 28, 2010

Email from Seremban SRC :)

Beloved Juniors,

The AAD coordinator for semester 6 should be Miss Shaminie but the more important person u should get to know is Mr Gabriel, he's the May Kuan equivalent in clinical school. In clinical school, lecture notes (if any) & timetables are NOT uploaded into ur old I-drive. It is obsolete now unfortunately.

Btw, there aren't many lectures in clinical school. U'll be mostly based in hospital setting & a lot of self-directed learning. The "lectures" that u hv are very few. IMS is quite important here where a 2-hour presentation will be done by us, students. U'll get the new timetable when ur in the respective posting on the 2nd week. 1st week is all orientation.

U can try asking ur batchmates if anyone has the grouping list for family medicine, surgery & internal medicine postings or u can get it directly from AAD in seremban. That's all for now. Anything else just let me know :)

Canace Teoh