Tuesday, May 25, 2010

EOS 5 "breakdown" guide

ICA (30%)

  1. Summative 4- 12%
  2. Summative 5- 8%
  3. Community Medicine Report- 4%
  4. Integrated Medical Seminar- 3%
  5. Selective- 3%

EOS (70%)
  • 80 OBA- 30% [60 (sem 4+ sem 5), 20 sem 3 (5 questions each system)]
  • 6MEQ- 35% [2 sem3 (combination), 2 sem 4, 2 sem 5]
  • 24 OSPE- 35% [Sem 4, sem 5, Health Issues], 2~3 rest stations
OSCE- 8 clinical cases, 4 history, 4 stand alone. (Sem 2,3,4,5)


p/s: special thanks to Jene for sharing the information.