Dear all,
Firstly, it is with regret that we have decided to suspend use of the chatbox until further notice due to the following misuse:
1) Blatant impersonation of fellow students (for slanderous purposes)
2) Negative (and uncalled-for) remarks to & about both lecturers, staff & fellow students
The chatbox was created as an open forum for questions, comments, and as a general communal helpdesk for MEDT1/08, not for the aforementioned reasons. However, due to continued abuse and uneccessary remarks regarding recent issues & events, the chatbox will remain CLOSED until further notice.
Secondly, due to recent misuse of information & freedoms, the batch google account will have its password changed. Anyone who wishes to post information on the blog or use the MEDT108 gmail account should approach either:
Jade (017 - 213 7178),
Zia (016 - 257 8520), or
Kor Woi (012 - 322 9478) for assistance.
Please direct any of your questions to the individuals listed above.
Any FAQ or comments previously meant for the chatbox should now be directed to the MEDT gmail account (
Thank you.
Love, Jade