Dear All,
For the past few years, the CrusAIDSers Club (with the support of Merck Sharp & Dohme) has participated in a program entitled "It begins with YOU". This program, initially, involved the medical students of IMU and UPM but has expanded to include medical students from UM.
The program aims to educate medical students - the doctors of tomorrow - on all aspects of HIV / AIDS through various activities, training and competitions.
This year, the CrusAIDSers Club has organised an HIV Awareness Talk on the :
Date: 2nd October 2009, Friday.
Time: 12.45 - 2.30 pm
Venue: Senate Room, IMU
On behalf of the club, I wish to invite you to this event. The program is as follows :
12.30 pm - Registration
1.00 pm - Current state of treatment of HIV/AIDS by Malaysian Society of HIV Med
( MaSHM )
1.20 pm - Social Implications of HIV and AIDS by Malaysian AIDS Council - ( MAC )
1.40 pm - Community Perspective by People living with HIV/AIDS - ( PLHIV )
2.00 pm - Q&A by Panel Speakers
- Refreshments provided -
Your presence is very much anticipated.
Many Thanks