Dear All,
The Centre for Medical Education (CtME), with the assistance of the Learning Resources Dept, has scheduled a continuing series of lunchtime educational sessions in support of advancing e-learning and use of digital resources at IMU.
The topic for this Wednesday, 16th September 2009, 12.15 - 1.15pm is on RSS and is opened to all faculty and students. The venue will be E-Lab 1, Level 3, Bukit Jalil.
RSS Description
"In this learning session, we will explore RSS (Real Simple Syndication) and RSS Readers, and see how we can utilize them to facilitate our own learning more efficiently and effectively. RSS is basically a web page with a .xml file type that can be subscribed to and read by a RSS reader (aggregator). The RSS reader will find the new content and display it when it becomes available. In essence, by using RSS new content will come to you, instead of you having to visit the site, or search for it. It will save you an infinite amount of time."
As its on a first come basis, please register early to ensure a place in the learning session. If you miss a session, visit the E-Learning Innovation Centre in
Please note that no food will be provided for this short session.
Thank you.
for CtME and Learning Resources Department