Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Elective Report Format + H1N1 issue reply

Dear ME108,

As for your elective report, there is NO fixed format. It is up to the student to prepare the report. The only thing is the report should be between 8 and 10 pages (double spacing) excluding annex pages, cover page, pages for pictures etc.: NOT more than 10 pages. If you really want some guidance on the report, you should include a section on what you have learnt during the elective posting and very important a section on your reflection. Others will be up to the students imagination and creativity.

As for your first question, I hope NONE of you fill contract the H1N1 influenza during the course of the elective posting. The single most important point is to protect yourselves according to common sense and also follow the guidelines implemented by the Ministry of Health and the hospital strictly. If so unfortunate that one is down with H1N1 influenza, he/ she shall need to seek appropriate treatment and management and definitely MUST be excused from the elective posting.

Dr Tan Kok Leong