Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Come on MEDT 108!!

Okay guyz. We're arriving close to an end in the imu cup. Batchmates lets spur each other on and go for victory!!! Support at events are crucial for morale of our batchmates participating and it kinda scares the opponent! ;P hehe. So here are some dates and events:

1. Wed 10/09/08 8pm-12am track and field (MSN)
2. Thurs 11/09/08 4pm onwards Pool semis vs Pharm
3. Darts semis next week?
4. Volleyball finals next week?
5. Cheerleading !!! NEXT WEEK!

if i missed out any whoopsie-doo! hehe.
Come on bandits!!! MEDT BANG BANG BANG!