With reference to the above, the Modeling Club of KBU International College would like to invite you to participate in our talent-fashion showcase titled, “Talent Fashion Outbreak” (TFO). Our event will be held on the 17th of October at KBU International College Multipurpose Hall from 6pm to 11pm. There will be casting by The Star on that day with prominent judges.
Talent Fashion Outbreak (TFO) is an inter-college event that provides a platform for aspiring individuals to display their talents and fashion statements. The contestants from the respective college have to work as a group in order to be rewarded of the ‘Best College’ title. This event will be break into three section which requires the participating colleges to provide the followings:
a) Talent: The contestants need to show how well they can sing, dance or act and etc in a group of maximum 10 contestants.
b) Fashion: The contestants will have a showcase on fashion, to display their modeling capabilities and fashion scene. Apparel and make over will be sponsored.
c) Outbreak: The contestants must come up with something new or creative related to fashion and talent. This segment is for them to show what they can come up with, ‘outbreak’ in a group of maximum 10 contestants.
The titles contented in these competitions are ‘Mr. TFO’, ‘Miss TFO’ and ‘Best College’ award. The winners will be judged based on an overall performance throughout the competition. Besides that, this competition also included the winner of ‘The Best Talent’, ‘The Best Fashion’ and ‘The Best Outbreak’ as well. We are planning to invite 15 colleges to participate in this event.
Terms and Conditions:
Each participant is required to pay RM 10 regardless of the number of sections during registration on the audition day.
- Contestant has to attend the audition either on the:
3rd of October 2008 (Friday) – 11am to 2pm
4th of October 2008 (Saturday) – 10am to 1pm
- The participants must be studying in the college, which they are representing.
- In order to entitle the Mr. TFO or Miss TFO, the participant has to participate in all three sections.
- As for Best College title, the average mark of each individual from the respective college will be compared.
- Judges decision is finality.
- A registration form attached with this invitation letter which require the participants to fill in the details.
- Participants are required to send the soft copy of the form, attach with the photograph and no later than 30th of September 2008.
- Please bring along the hard copy on the audition with photo. (Please print out own self)
- Please prepare CD, songs or any related materials or tools for the talent and outbreak section.
- Any registration is not fulfilling the requirements, the organizer shall not entertain.
a) Mr. Rizal @ 012 - 2450024 or e-mail add at
b) Ms Kelly Tan @ 016- 2961280 or e-mail add at
c) Ms Elaine Loo@ 012 – 7046012 or e-mail add at
We would appreciate if you could give us an answer by 30th of September 2008.
Thank you for your time and patience.
Elaine Loo,