Thursday, August 21, 2008

IMU CUP scrabble rules revised

Venue: IMU
Estimated Duration: 8 hours
Participants: 3 players, 1 substitute

Rules & Regulations
  1. Each player will be ranked Player A to C.
  2. Substitutions of players are based on a push up method ie: the substitute will come in as Player C while the rest of the players will move up accordingly.
  3. Player A will play against Player A of the other teams in a round robin format.
  4. Determination of winner is by game point (i.e. in a match between team A and Team B, if 2 members of team A win while 1 member of team B wins, the game point is 1-0 and not 2-1. 1 point will be awarded to the winning team.
  5. The overall champion is the team with the highest score after the 5 matches (Round Robin).
  6. Each player is given 25 minutes each on the clock in which to complete all his moves
  7. (original rule 7 removed)
  8. To start the game, turned the tiles to face downwards and count the number of tiles to ensure that it is a full set. Each player then draws one tile and the person drawing the letter closest to ‘A’ plays first.
  9. The first player puts the letters on the board to make a word, either ‘across’ or ‘down’ (as in a crossword), with one letter of the word on a central square. The score is recorded, including any double or triple allowance for tiles placed on premium squares. The first word always scores double, as the centre square has a ‘double word score’.
  10. A bonus of 50 points is awarded to any player who uses all seven tiles in one move.
  11. Tile exchange: Instead of playing words on the board, a player may choose to use his turn to exchange one or more tiles provided there are at least 7 tiles in the bag. The player will score zero for that turn.
  12. Challenges: A player may challenge any word(s) played by his opponent in the previous turn.
  13. Challenge Type: modified "single challenge" rule
    1. Challenge procedure: On taking the decision to challenge, the challenger should call "CHALLENGE" and neutralize the clock at which point the challenge becomes irrevocable. The challenger must state clearly one or several or all of the words formed by the challenged player during the turn just concluded.
    2. The word judges will return a ruling as to whether the word(s) challenged are ACCEPTABLE or NOT ACCEPTABLE.
    3. Where all words challenged are ACCEPTABLE, the challenge is unsuccessful and 5 points for every word challenged are added to the score of the challenged player and 5 points for every word challenged are deducted from the challenging player’s score.
    4. Where any of the words are deemed UNACCEPTABLE, the challenge is successful and the challenged player loses that turn (scores 0) and must withdraw his play from the board and return any replenishment tiles to the bag.
    5. If any of the replenishment tiles have been mixed with leftover tiles, the successful challenger may draw at random the required number of tiles from the challenged player's entire rack and return them to the bag before his opponent withdraws his play from the board. Both players may view the returned tiles before they are replaced in the bag.
    6. The word judges must rule only as to whether the challenge as a whole is successful or unsuccessful and in cases where more than one word is challenged must not indicate whether any particular word is acceptable.
    7. The decision of the judges on the success of challenges is final. Players who doubt the accuracy of the judgment may request a recheck, which will be granted at the discretion of the judges.
    8. After the challenge is concluded and scores have been recorded, the challenger's clock is started.
  14. Overdrawing: It may happen that Player A, on replenishing his rack, draws more tiles from the bag than needed. Suppose the number of excess tiles is N, Player B may pick at random N tiles from the tiles, and return them to the bag. Player A may stop the clock until the excess tile(s) are returned to the bag.
  15. Players must not consult any word list, dictionary or any other forms of reference during the game except where specifically permitted by the rules of the tournament.
  16. A game ends and the clocks should be neutralized when
    1. One of the players has played all his tiles AND the bag is empty; OR
    2. Time runs out for either player
    3. The tournament director has declared an end to the round.
  17. Tile penalty: After the game has ended, the player who has finished all his tiles (as in case 16.1.); OR the player whose opponent ran out of time (as in case ii.) adds to his score TWICE the total tile value of his opponent's remaining tiles and deduct from his opponent’s score the total tile value of his opponent’s residual tiles.
  18. Complete set of tiles: A game result will still be valid even if it is discovered after commencement that the number and distribution of tiles was incorrect. It is the responsibility of the players to ensure that they are playing with a complete set before commencement.
  19. These Rules cannot be expected to cover every eventuality and players are expected to exercise common sense and courtesy in observance of these Rules. All matters in doubt or dispute shall be referred to the Tournament Director whose decision is FINAL.
  20. The reference for acceptability of a word is SOWPODS dictionary.
No. of medals: 4 Gold, 4 Silver, 4 Bronze
